Many of the scientific instruments that we sell, and their predecessors, are available as previously owned instruments. All pre-owned instruments are refurbished either in our facility in Canada or in the original manufacturer’s factory. They are guaranteed to original specification and come complete with a warranty. For information about instruments currently in stock and potential instrument availabilities please complete a Request Form.
Current stock
- Delta Plus Stable Isotope mass spectrometer with hydrogen and dual inlet options.
Delta XP Stable Isotope mass spectrometer.
- Element 2 High Resolution ICP mass spectrometer.
- GCC III Interface with HP6890 GC (suitable for MAT252, Delta Plus and Delta Plus XL).
GC-IsoLink with Trace GC Ultra (suitable for MAT253, Delta Xp and Delta V). -
GC-PAL autosampler. - GC-IsoLink with Trace GC Ultra and Combi-PAL autosampler with headspace option (suitable for MAT253, Delta Xp and Delta V).
- Costech ECS4010 Elemental Analyser.
- TriPlus autosampler for Trace GC Ultra
- Quattro Ultima l LC/MS/MS System
Over time instruments become obsolete and new parts become harder to obtain. However there are many older instruments still in operation in laboratories worldwide. To help keep these older instruments running we stock parts from instruments that have reach their end of life. For a full list of current parts in stock please see below;